create a wordpress theme from scratch
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Read moreI'm a Freelance UI/UX Designer and Developer based in Owerri, Nigeria. I
strives to build immersive and beautiful web/mobile applications through
carefully crafted code and user-centric design.
I love
teaching people how to develop websites and mobile apps
I'm a Freelance Software Engineer based in Owerri, Nigeria.
I strives to build immersive and beautiful web applications through carefully crafted code and user-centric design.
I love bloging and also i love
teaching people how to develop websites and mobile apps
managing a company's overall operations. This include delegating and directing agendas, driving profitability, managing company organizational structure, strategy, and communicating with my clients.
Developing a User Friendly, Logical and Complex Website, and Android apps using Scripting Language like PHP, LARAVEL, jQuery, Bootstrap, Angular.js, CSS and JAVASCRIPT for my clients
Developing a User Friendly, Logical and Complex Website, and Android apps using Scripting Language like PHP, LARAVEL, jQuery, Bootstrap, Angular.js, CSS and JAVASCRIPT for the organisation, most of the apps are currently on playstore
PRODUCT: PICCA.CO (A platform for Creating & sharing personalized
graphics about personality, event, or campaign)
Scale up the number of users from 5,670 to 14,000 by Working with the
Product Manager and Team of developers to re-architect a multi-page
web app into a single page web-app, using laravel/React.
Increase efficiency and loading speed by compressing and optimizing
images in the platform.
Increase the loading speed by an additional 23% and processing speed
by 12% by Re-Configuring and optimizing the Server (VPS).
Ensured quality and efficiency of the product by organizing & conducting
a regular te
PRODUCT: WRITERSGIG (A freelance Marketplace for writers & bloggers)
-Developed the Restful APIs that serve data to the JavaScript front-end
(react.js) based on dynamically chosen user inputs that handled over
9,000 concurrent users.
-Reviewed code and conduct additional testing on chat, which increase
the contribution by 21%
-Increase the loading speed by 15% by Configuring and optimizing the
Server (VPS).
-Worked with the internal teams and stakeholders to determine solutions
for user experience.
Work alongside another developer to incorporate RESTFUL APIs calls to several applications using Laravel and store data effectively in Mysql Backend.
Lead test plan and code reviews with 2 teams every week
1 Teaching basic scripting Language such as JavaScript, PHP, LARAVEL, JQUERY, CSS, Animated.css, HTML, Bootstrap and Materialize.
2 Teaching Relational Database e.g. SQL
3 Conducting test, exams and web classes for the Academy
1. Developing a Logical and Complex Website using PHP, CSS and JAVASCRIPT
2. Teaching basic scripting Language such as JavaScript, PHP, JQUERY, CSS, Animated.css, HTML and Bootstrap.
If you have any suggestion, project or even you want to say Hello.. please send an email or call and I will reply you shortly.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed blandit massa vel mauris Lorem ...
Read moreLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed blandit massa vel mauris Lorem ...
Read moreLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed blandit massa vel mauris Lorem ...
Read moreLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed blandit massa vel mauris Lorem ...
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